With another Cougar football season winding down, there's enough fun information to relish and digest, we're sending you recommendations for Sunday reading. But before we dig in with your links, here's a heads up for you.
Wazzu men's hoops take to the court once again Monday evening. Set your DVR or grab your favorite adult beverage at 6pm Monday and tune into Pac-12 Network. Greg Heister and Dan Dickau will be on the microphone to call the game. The Cougs opponent is Winthrop. Winthrop? If you aren't a die-hard NCAA basketball fan, you probably don't know much about the Eagles. Here's all you need to know. Winthrop was 23-2 last season and went to the NCAA tournament. If history tells us anything, it's that Winthrop has a very solid men's hoops program. Period.
Barry Bolton put together a nice history of Cougar quarterbacks notching Apple Cup wins in Seattle. As you might expect, that's a pretty elite club. Here's the link for a fun read:
There are some good and not-so-good observations of the Cougs' victory over Arizona contained within this article:
For Cougar Nation, hope springs eternal, right? Here's something for Coug faithful to hope for:
Colton Clark of the S/R turned in this fascinating back story on two of the best players to ever line up at linebacker for Washington State. Check it out:
Go Cougs!!!